Benefits of using Truflow Screed
Here are some reasons to use Truflow Screed
- Quick to lay
- Time saving
- Less labour intensive
- Can have foot traffic 24 hours after pouring
- Low shrinkage
- No cracking
- Requires no additional reinforcement
- Rapidly achieves high strength
- Lower thickness
- Weight saving
- Environmentally friendly
- Allows for rapid commissioning of underfloor heating systems
- No waste as we use a bagged product, mixed on site to your specific requirements
- CE Certified and EN approved product
- Increased thermal efficiency
- Requires no powerfloating afterwards
- High daily output of up to 2000m² per day
- No surface laitance/scum forms when screed is poured
- Can be trafficked the day after the pour, meaning no delays or closures of the site
- No adverse affects on floor from flooding / water damage
Questions! Call:
07710 468 654
020 8463 9880

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